I'm going to redirect a site I own and have done nothing with over here.. It's virtualappsonline.com
The only real topic on that site was a VM I made for the marketplace in Jan 2007. This is the text, just for fun:
activeCollab 0.7.1 Project Management Solution
From http://www.activecollab.com website:
activeCollab is an easy to use, web based, open source collaboration and project management tool. Set up an environment where you, your team and your clients can collaborate on active projects using a set of simple, functional tools. 100% free!
Download links at the bottom of this post
1. Easy to install and easy to use
2. Web-based. After installation only thing you'll need to use it is web browser
3. 100% open source, 100% free
4. No limitations on number of projects, clients, team members...
5. Per project permissions
Google for other reviews of this project management platform. Most reviews compare it to Basecamp by 37signals.
Below is text from included readme file:
==Debian Settings==
Login to server: root toor
Login to mysql: root toor
ac 4ct1v3
Login to activeCollab website: admin 4ct1v3
* mysql database ac created for activeCollab
* ssh access available to root
* no firewall settings
* vmware tools not installed (no GUI installed)
==Virtual Machine Settings==
floppy1, sound adapter turned off
ethernet1 bridged (will receive a DHCP address from your local network). To change network settings to static, see the /etc/network/interfaces file.
==Getting the Server / activeCollab Setup==
change /var/www/activecollab/config/config.php ROOT_URL listing to the server's FQDN for active collab to work
/etc/apt/sources.list should be changed to a mirror closer to you. See http://www.debian.org/mirror/list for a listing.
Dotdeb should stay in the sources list for php5 / mysql5 updates. http://www.dotdeb.org/
Operating system: Debian Sarge 3.1 Stable
Applications installed:
Debian Sarge 3.1: Apache2-mpm-prefork, MySQL-server, PHP5, PHP5-MySQL, PHP5-gd, activeCollab 0.7.1
VMware Tools installed: No - With no GUI, VM tools doesn't change performance.
Size: 222.3 MB MB
Primary account
Username: root
Password: toor
Memory allocated: 256MB
==Download Links==
Available upon request... but come on now..
md5sum: ad8904b13d56f5c6c6221fb8f9ce6e60