Yep, blank name for the virtual machine.
More information:
Call storageresourcemanager.configurestoragedrsforpod blah blah
(didn't write it all down)
I did once get the above ^ permission error and then this message:
The guest os id is not valid. Therefore, editing these vm settings is not recommended.
What was I doing?
Cloned a virtual machine and then tried to make any changes to the settings (I tried changing the port group and adding/removing a vCD iso). Saying OK to commit the changes brings up that permission error.
I looked up the Storage Resource Manager parts in the API docs and there are no associated privileges: Drink Me
Similar calls need System.View priv set (which this user holds).
Here's the way I've currently been able to get rid of the error: I removed the associated datastores from the datastore clusters (moved it to the parent folder) and now I can't recreate the problem. I moved the datastores back under the datastore clusters (without otherwise making changes) and still no error message.
Sounds like a bug with storage DRS to me... I'll wait to see if it shows back up.